Wagner & Kaito overdeliver at Wrestle Magic! | Red's Wrestling Recommendations

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Wagner defended his recently won GHC Heavyweight Championship against Goldenboy Kaito at Wrestle Magic days ago. This one certainly overdelivered! Check out the awesome match ASAP and watch Wagner getting on par with his dad, Daddy Wags, and Kaito being Kaito. If unable to catch the full thing on Wrestle Universe, watch the video above.


It's a new age at RW+B. With the FLSS addition to the formula here and the death of the Digest proper, it felt time to loosen up a bit. So, we are moving away from the old and embracing the new with this recommendation style post format. If I post one of these, I guarantee it's worth a look. We'll go back in time, look at the present, and hunt down gems alike. I won't spoil outcomes in these, for the record. That's the current plan, at least. ADHD... Who fuckin' knows!?

New Grading System Outline:

秀 Perfect

優 Great

良 Good

可 Average

不可 Dumpster Fire

There will be very few matches posted under the last two and most time will be spent on the top two when it comes to these posts. Why waste time on flaming garbage (like whatever the fuck NWA is up to right now, I'm sure) when you can spend time on the good shit. Added ! or + symbols will be tacked on at times for visual effect (as well as personal sorting reasons).

It was time to get away from the work here being a reference to a man that lost the vision long ago.

R. Wood