Forza Libertas Manifesto & Group Signup Information

Considering the importance of respect for community and soul in the overall health of global society, Forza Libertas seeks to internationally unite neighbors in thought and action to best serve these needs. The goal is that simple; To remind the working class especially that we are all tethered. That nearly all have related interests that far surpass the differences in volume and importance.

We are all in this together.

The world will continue to shift regardless of our hopes. Ignoring it will not help you. It will not help your neighbor. It will not help your family. As we work increasingly on a check to check lifestyle and watch tyrannical figures globally solely promote culture wars for the masses and blood wars for the rebels, it would be tragic to believe the answer rests at the "top".  

The World's Sport can be a tool to unite us or to distract us.

A willingness to organize to assist in manners of need, locally and beyond, is required but can come in many ways. Doom babies need not apply. Use tools of division as tools of unity. Use things like football/soccer to find likeminded folk and make a change like many clubs around the world have. While this site will largely focus on a niche group of club coverage, consider it a BYO-club situation. We'll promote multiple ways in general that you can help out though, with the understanding at all times that financial assistance isn't reasonable. It would be laughable to expect people in this age to be able to open a wallet or purse when most people can't even afford a damn house anymore.

Respect the human soul. Disrespect those that don't.

Protest as able, help when you can, and seek positive change. This is a socialist project but one willing to accept people of all origins and pasts. It doesn't matter what gang you used to vote for in elections or if you support a club that's considered a rival of one promoted here. Not a damn thing matters outside of the recognition that the current trajectory of our species is one that it cannot survive. Respect your neighbor's opinions, even if you are offended by them, and find common ground.

Don't be the wild animal the establishment wants you to be.

If your stance is such a strong one, and you are passionate enough about your opinions that you'd otherwise belittle the offender, cut them off from your life, or even be a wild animal and assault them, than it says more about you than you realize when the alternative is to attempt to form a bridge. If it's a strong stance built on a firm foundation, it shouldn't be hard to promote it peacefully. If the person isn't willing to listen, that's on them and you can just go about your damn day like an adult. We can be dirt bag leftists and not be children. 

Ignore culture war bullshit when able, seek truth, and call out the lies regardless of "side".

We won't check in and you don't need to report good deeds or anything. We're not your parents and we know life is hard for many of us. Deliberately so. If you do want to be part of this community, we would always appreciate knowing that kind of thing so we can share it. Not for shitty clout chasing, either, but in hopes that it might make others want to do the same.

No pressure either way.

If you're interested in the cause, here's what you need to know and do:

  • Being part of Forza Libertas doesn't cost anything and never will. We don't want your money.
  • If you're able to attend a game of on of our "associate clubs" in so. Let us know and we'll share your stuff if you're into such things. Try to watch every game in some form if you can't attend. I'm personally on the road too much to attend. If you're not a fan, give them a look and feel free to ask us why we care so much about promoting them. Articles coming soon here.
  • Send a text to 315-330-6840 or an email to with FORZA LIBERTAS in the subject line. All we need is your name (that you want to give) and whatever other info about yourself that you want to give so we can contact you on rare occasion. A newsletter is planned for the future, but we'll get to that when the time comes.
  • We will sell shirts at cost of production at some point. We can also just send you a .png of logos if you'd prefer to make something yourself.
  • Don't be a dick, while representing the group, or you will be considered a non-member. We don't want to drag down the entire project because of some dipshit that missed the point. The tools against the working class work well and are meant to be a trap for the weak.
Forza Libertas 
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