Samoa Joe vs Kurt Angel Kicks Off The Pro-Wrestling Playlist

I want this, The Pro-Wrestling Playlist, to be an awesome place for fans to find quality content. I hope folks use it to watch gems they've forgotten about, clashes they haven't seen in a while in general, or discover something they've never seen for whatever reason! We're starting with Samoa Joe and Kurt Angel's first match, from TNA Genesis 2006. 

Included in the playlist is a bit of the build, allowing for people to relive this one (or best experience it for the first time).

This was real proof that Angle wasn't in TNA just to collect a paycheck. In fact, his feud with Joe put in for some of the best matches in TNA history and this one in particular was special, even getting a, "this is awesome" chant before anything had really happened well before that was as normal as it is today. Joe came in having been undefeated for 18 months, by the way, though he was tragically attached to some bullshit like the stuff TNA often tossed out. They told a great story here, and the color certainly helped paint a picture in partnership with their hard work. Truly, this was a fantastic match. One of the only things that could've made this better is if Kurt had responded in a different way post-match, but Joe's "hard way" line worked well. It didn't change my rating, because it had nothing to do with the match quality, but more of a general statement in regards to the situation than anything else. Borderline double turn kind of stuff. 

Most importantly, this easily holds up by modern standards and is well worth a watch 17-years later.


Rating: ****1/4