Red's Pro-Wrestling Digest no.122: Battle of the Belts VII Review (AEW Spark)

An hour of title matches thrown together at the last moment with little effort going into it? Yup, it's time for another Battle of the Belts. The FTR/BCG match should have aired here instead, perhaps. Maybe a one-fall match that ran about 30 and ended in a time limit and then the 60-minute one on Collision 6? I mean, I know TK is trying hard to make his Saturday show relevant right now (hopefully not to nerf it later when it has seen as settled in) but I really am tired of the lack of effort behind these shows.

I'm big on Cassidy, and have been for a very long time, and I've been big on his reign as International Champion, too. I also think they are doing the desperation finish stuff too often in general of late and especially with him. I get what they are aiming for, for it feels a bit aimless to keep it running for too long, doesn't it? And I'm behind!

No Snake DDT, as Archer made it clear that he wanted to do it on his own. Instead, Orange would land one of his own to the outside. The big dude barely sold it. Moments later we'd get a count out victory and retention.

Max with an okay promo for the Canadian fans kept us moving and Daddy Ass joined The Acclaimed and Tony in the ring. Gunn was giggling a lot and promised to scissor everyone in attendance. He's a liar.

"Daddy Ass scissored my mother and all I got was a new half-brother" shirts should exist...

Next week, the team gets a shot at the Trios belts. Not here on Battle of the Belts. Nope. Next week, event though this at least had some build to it.

Starks and Willow then came out to meet Tony and get their earned hardware. Tony and Martha came out in cowboy/girl hats to celebrate. A speech in honor of Owen and we were reminded that the prizes had weight and significance. The tournaments need tweaking, but it's hard not to love the concept.

Taya and Toni had potential. Taya can be pretty good in the right situations. Toni can be pretty damn good too, especially when partnered correctly. I had hoped they'd gel well in this setting and honestly they did decent. The challenger managed to fight off Ruby for a while but eventually would get involved, setting up the finish that saw Storm keep the strap. A shit finish to a decent match.

Next, the TNT Champion, Luchasaurus, defended against...Spears. Christian Cage, of course, at ringside. Remember when Spears was being set up as a big deal early on in AEW? He's now a dude that is barely relevant. Cage would set up a chair in the corner, giving us the carny switch spot that saw the dino hit it head first instead. After, Cage would give us a distraction finish that saw Lucha retain. The layout here was a mess and the closing stretch had as much effort as the booking of this show in general had.

By the way, as a side note real quick, I really need to review Fight Forever soon. It's alright, but lacking in far too many areas for a game that was delayed as much as it was.

Anyway, Battle 7 was a very average show. A countout, a distraction, and another distraction finish to randomly tossed together matches alongside a tease for a bigger match and a presentation for the Hart Cup stuff is all this one was. Skip!

Sorry Canada. Oh, can we please finally fix all of these production issues?

If you hate yourself, check it out on Spark HERE.

Match Ratings

  1. International Title: Orange(c) vs Archer **3/4
  2. Women's World Title: Storm(c) vs Taya ***
  3. TNT Title: Luchasaurus(c) vs Spears *1/2
Overall Rating: 55%