Red's Pro-Wrestling Digest no.114: Bullets, chaos, and (former) caveman, oh my! (AEW Spark, Build to Forbidden Door Part 3)

Some heat from the last Dynamite of May and several pulls through the 9th of June spotlight this edition.

White and Juice joined Tony in the ring to have a chat, kicking off the latest AEW Spark. What's AEW Spark, for those that are new to this site? It's a playlist series I put out for fans that want to watch wrestling, but don't have time to do it as often as they'd like. It's also a nice way for me to collect a lot of the content I cover here on the site.

I'm a person that is often behind, for the record. You know, for those newcomers.

Anyway, Jay called FTR slow Southern boys and the champs came out to confront the Bang Bang Gang. No apologies or requests to join the BizCliz here; just Rob hitting Dax with a fist full of quarters and the heels putting down the Top Guys. 

Starks would make the save and talk some shit.

LFI interrupt Hook to complain about their lack of screentime. Rush is too dangerous to be there, apparently. The heels would attack the FTW Champ until Perry made the save with a folding chair. See what you can do with a folding chair? The artist formerly known as Jungle Boy and Taz's kid stood tall to end the segment.

Bandido, Fenix, and Penta took on BCC in the first match of the set. It rocked! High speed offense from the masked side and a resilient force and powerful display from the heel unit made for quality TV. Not a single thing to complain about here and the rise of Yuta has been awesome.

Don and Kenny clips ran on the tron as Soup picked up an easy win. I have been singing praise for Takeshita for years and am loving the heat he is getting right now in AEW. D.C. spoke some shit to a wall of boos, calling Omega a cancer. Yeah, this was fun.

Next, more Mox and crew as the BCC took on Trent, Chucky T, and Rocky. Romero's CMLL work this year is something you can expect to see more coverage of here soon. Not a lot here, but it was fun and another nice W for the side.

CZW referenced on TV by MJF in the next one. I have an interesting history with the company. I came to DJ years ago, offering some production help. I had heard they needed assistance and figured it was worth making the offer. Some of my stuff was published for them and I really do enjoy chatting with DJ when time allows. The issue is he's a busy dude and the folks he works with don't have the ability to make the company a priority. It fucks up chances at progress.

Just me venting a bit.

I don't work with many promotions these days and have far more to vent about one day.

The AEW World Heavyweight Champion was on fire during this segment. I loved every second of it. Early into his reign things felt a bit off at times, but I feel the dude has done well with everything he's been given and continues to be an awesome promo. Cole was pretty damn good in follow. 

Fire TV!

Blood! LFI's Dralistico and Vance took on Jack Perry and Hook in a hardcore Texas tornado tag battle. Not a lot here, with Vance already bleeding buckets when it started, but it was a wild two-minute ride for sure. What a spectacle!

Next, Starks and White in singles action. This was a well worked singles match with an unneeded ref bump. The Ass Boys ran out during the moment to assist Jay. Does anyone really want Gunn's kids in BCG? Meh.

Want a fun trios match with a shit finish? Fenix, Penta, and Bandido got a bounce back win in our next pull, beating Big Bill, Lee Moriarty, and Ethan Page. The Hardy Party came out to cause a distraction L. Meh.

Last, a four-way match with a title shot on the line. Nonstop action, following a good outline, but the finish felt off and sadly deflated a bit from Blue's victory. For me, at least. Baker and Martinez brawling at ringside and a quick, iffy finish giving Blue the win over Nyla would be fine if it had been a bit less rocky, but shit happens. A nice outcome if nothing else.

A mixed bag of AEW content this time. When it was good, it was great. When it wasn't, it was pretty average.

Check out this episode of AEW Spark on the PSC HERE or, better yet, skip around on this one.

Match Ratings

  1. BCC vs Lucha Bros, Bandido ***1/2
  2. Takeshita vs Ace NR
  3. BCC vs CHAOS NR
  4. Texas Tornado: LFI vs Hook, Perry NR
  5. White vs Starks NR
  6. Lucha Bros, Bandido vs Big Bill, Page, Moriarty **1/2
  7. Baker vs Rose vs Blue vs Mercedes **3/4