Red's RV Report #2: The Trip Ahead + Announcement

Tomorrow, if all goes well, I leave Rochester for Austin, Texas.

Here's what I have done to prep the RV.

  1. Six new tires, because the ones one there were eleven years old and one was about to self-destruct.
  2. New house battery, because the previous owner ran it completely dead.
  3. A brake job, because the previous owner lied about the brake light warning being a sensor glitch.
  4. Went to the DMV to get a temporary license to transport it down to Texas (where I will register her).
I have a lot of work left to do, to be honest. It's road ready now, but I have tons of renovations I plan on performing inside and outside in the coming months.

This includes taking out a lot of the wood and replacing it, re-laminating, and changing the flooring.

I am excited for the trip down, but admittedly cautiously so. The furthest I've driven the RV so far is the hour or so it took to get it back from the dude's house where I purchased it.

I'll be largely inactive here now for likely about a week. After I will be a bit spotty too, as I'll be with family and will be relaxing during the holidays.

There won't be a digest next week, most likely. I'll finish my pull list as soon as I can but it'll likely roll into the new year.

Thanks for all that visit and read the site while I am gone.

I appreciate y'all!