New Content Added to Free Tier of WWE Network

Hello, my fellow fat fucks. For those with the WWE Network free tier, know that they have added the following new titles:

* NXT Takeover: Brooklyn I
* NXT Takeover: Portland
* NXT Takeover: Respect
* NXT Takeover: Wargames 2017
* NXT Takeover: Wargames 2018
* NXT Takeover: Wargames 2019
* WWE Rivalries Austin versus McMahon Part 1 & 2
* WCW Wrestler War 1991
* WCW Clash of Champions XXVII
* WCW Monday Nitro, March 26, 2001
* WrestleMania Rewind: Hogan versus Andre The Giant-WrestleMania III
* Wrestlemania Rewind: Austin versus The Rock-WrestleMania XV