Select Match Reviews: Summer Breeze

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Matches from ROH Summer Supercard
1.Lifeblood vs Lethal Octopus ***1/2
2.Caristico, Soberano, Stuka vs Cavernario, Hechicero, Templario ****
3.ROH World Title: Taven(c) vs Shelley ***1/2
4.ROH Tag Titles, Ladder War: Briscoes(c) vs GOD ****1/4

Ring of Honor still hasn't addressed most of their bigger issues, but I give them credit here because this was one of the best collection of pulls I've seen from them all year. It's just too bad that barely anyone seemed to see it or care.

Lifeblood's booking has been rather poor since their arrival, but it's gotten better of late and the first match I selected was a very good example of that. Not only was the contest enjoyable, but Haskins got a clean win on Lethal. The minor teases of dissension between Jay and Jon played a minor role here, too, but not in a way that really hurt the quality.

The partnership with CMLL, by all accounts, is getting stronger, too. This is best showcased by the recent show announcement and this spotlight trios match. It was a bit strange seeing a one fall six-man with these talents, but they made the most of every second and put in for a fantastic outing that exceeded my high expectations.

Taven's latest defense also exceeded expectations. I still think he needs to drop the belt, and I think Shelley would have been a nice choice, but at least the Kingdom shit hasn't been included lately. Very good match, but hopefully we'll have a new champ before the end of the year. 

Gresham, anyone?

The drunk fan made for good memes, too.

We closed with the latest Ladder War, and honestly it's tied for me as the best 2019 match from the company and is the best GOD contest I've seen in a while. They went all in and brought a good level of intensity, making it feel like a true battle. The right team won and the show ended on a high note.

I know Ring of Honor has been arrogant and ignorant in their booking and behavior recently and they've lost a lot of you as a result. I do ask that you consider watching more companies in the way that I do, including ROH. They are still a solid source of content and home of some of the best wrestlers in the world, and if you can ignore or skip the bs they still have a lot to offer.

Something to consider.